
Olivier Mosset, Servane Mary, Virginia Overton

is a group show by Servane Mary, Virginia Overton and Olivier Mosset. Mary works with appropriated press images of women from the 40s to the 70s, some of who are heroes of hers, some who are seen as anti-heroes. In this act of “re-figuration”, she explores the connections between representation, identity, history and memory and treats photographs as a physical entity. They reveal traces of the passage of time, fading and deterioration, a surface that parallels our recollection and the human mind. Over the past four decades, Olivier Mosset has been redefining and pushing the boundaries of painting in contemporary art. Gaining attention in the 1960s as part of a collective group titled BMPT (Buren, Mosset, Parmentier and Toroni) who sought to liberate art from elitist confines, Mosset is well known for his body of monochromes – works that challenge the perceptions of authorship and confront the material tradition of painting. Virginia Overton makes site-responsive installations and sculptures using quotidian materials common in manual trades, as well as those she collects from exhibition sites and storage units. Arranged into phenomenological configurations-bended, poured, balanced and ratcheted into the final forms retain a roughness and rigour evocative of the material’s origin while simultaneously illustrating the levity and grace of the artist’s hand.



  • Virginia Overton

  • Servane Mary

  • Olivier Mosset